Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition - 3 Tips for New Dungeon Masters

 Your first few games of Dungeons & Dragons can be daunting, and doubly so if you've elected to fill the role of the Dungeon Master.

While at the table, the DM will need to fulfill multiple positions including coach, referee, and narrator. The following three tips will ease you into running the game and ensure that you and your players have an unforgettable experience playing the fifth edition of the world's greatest roleplaying game.

Start Small. Many Dungeon Masters want to create their own worlds and narratives, but crafting elaborate adventures and campaigns is an immense task early on and a rudimentary understanding of the rules can hinder the momentum necessary to drive a complex story and result in a disheartening first experience.

Whether running the introductory adventure The Lost Mine of Phandelver - found in the 5th Edition Starter Set - or an adventure you've made yourself, it's important to start small and allow yourself plenty of room to make mistakes.

Read the rules found in the Player's Handbook, pick an environment, choose a setting, read up on one or two types of monsters, and send your adventurers on a short quest that requires them to traverse this environment in order to interact with these monsters in this setting. Give them some gold and one or two pieces of equipment if they successfully complete the quest.

Leave Room for Improvisation. It's impossible to prepare for everything that your players are going to think up. Time spent fleshing out intricate backgrounds for the good people of Daggerford is wasted when your adventurers decide that they don't want to go to Daggerford, but instead would rather sleep in the woods on the outskirts of town. In order to save yourself from wasting hours, or even days, of preparation, you should avoid going into too much detail when creating non-player characters, locations, monsters, etc.

Give every non-player character you make a name and one or two defining features (such as a big scar on their right eye or six fingers on their left hand) so that players can easily identify them, but let the finer details come out while you're actually playing the game. Once a character, location, monster, etc. has shown up in your game, keep an index card with their name and key features - as well as what happened to them in the game - on hand for later sessions.

Stop. Collaborate and Listen. Often times new Dungeon Masters confuse their role as a litigator with that of a tyrant, but Dungeons & Dragons is a collaborative storytelling experience, with both the DM and the players contributing to what's happening in the narrative. Being responsible for creating the entirety of the world that your players inhabit is intimidating, but remember that you are all gathered together to play a game and have fun - yes, even the Dungeon Master.

Get into the habit of asking your players questions about their characters, such as "Having been here before, what's your impression of Baldur's Gate?" and "Have you fought bugbears before? If so, how did that go for you?" This gets players in the mindset of thinking about the world from their character's perspective and allows them to contribute to the world-building, taking some of the load off of you.

If you're really comfortable with your group, you can even field them questions like "What's a good name for a nervous shop owner?" and work together at the table to come up with a non-player character's foundation. The more you include your players in your world, the more invested they will become.

There's no limit to the number of tools available for a DM to consider, but keeping these three tips in mind will help any new Dungeon Master feel right at home.

How Video Games Can Affect the Brain

 Video games are very popular among children of all the ages. And, due to our tech pace world, it is continuing to grow even more. Children and even the adults find video games as their mode of entertainment. They play these games whenever they are getting bored or want to take a short break from their work and studies.

These games try to change the mind and mood of individuals and they feel much relaxed than before. Due to its ever-growing demand, scientists have researched to find out the effects of video games on human brains.

Video games and changes in brain

It has been found out that gaming can cause changes in many regions of the brain. Studies show some structural changes in the brain due to video games and also several changes in brain functionality and behavior.

1. Increase attention

We need focus and attention while playing a game otherwise, we will lose it. Therefore, video games have resulted in improving several types of attention in human beings, including selective attention and sustained attention. Furthermore, attention seeking regions of the brain are more efficient in gamers when compared with non-gamers, and they need less activation to stay focused on various tasks.

2. Size of the brain

Playing video games has also shown to increase the size and competence of the parts of the brain that are responsible for visuospatial skills (ability to identify visual and spatial relationships among objects). With long-term gamers who have followed a game training plan, their right hippocampus has been enlarged.

3. Gaming addicts

When talking about gaming addicts, there are some structural and functional alterations in the neural reward system (a group of structures associated with feeling pleasure, motivation, and learning). When we expose these video game addicts to any game-related signals or signs, it causes cravings and also monitors their brain's responses.

4. Help boost your memory

Brain training games even help in boosting the formations of memories of an individual. Moreover, it also helps in improving the two other significant cognitive areas, working memory and sustained attention. These skills are maintained for 6 months after the completion of training.

5. Declining in brain-related diseases

When we talk about the diseases, each and every person wants a disease-free life. What if, it can be done with the help of a video game?

Yes, strategy-based games, have shown to promote an improvement in brain functioning among older adults and may provide some protection against Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Also, a little brain training can help to reverse some of the age-related brain decline.

Overall, these games prove out to be valuable as it is a stress buster, improves brain functioning, cures diseases, besides being a source of entertainment. But, there is always a second side of a coin. Here, spending too much time playing the video game can be harmful for children as well as adults. Talking about the children, it can hamper their studies while weakening their eyesight as these games are played on a screen. And, adults can hamper their work while playing the games at offices.